Blog » Find Out Your Website's Grade

Find Out Your Website's Grade

I stumbled upon an interesting and potentially useful website grading service today. Website Grader examines the homepage of a website, and brings together data from multiple sources in order to give an idea of how effective the marketing effectiveness of that website. More importantly, it provides tips on how to improve. For example, this website is not listed on DMOZ and Yahoo Directories, something that could be done in order to improve ranking.

This website's grade of 62 (at the time of writing) is not exactly great. However, it is a personal website, not a commercial one, so that is to be expected. What surprised me is that this site is in the top 13.3% of websites, according to Alexa. This is surprising, because the site averages about 55 visits per day. This is rather low compared to larger, more prominent websites. This suggests that there are a huge number of websites with little or no visitors.

The website grader updates its grade periodically, so the grade in the badge above may change from its curreent value of 62; hopefully in the positive direction. I will be taking some of its advice, such as attempting once again to get this site listed on DMOZ. I'm holding off on adding this site to Yahoo, since I do not really want to create a Yahoo ID, and have yet another unneeded email address. We shall see what difference these changes make.

Blog » Find Out Your Website's Grade

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  • A rather useful site. I've been using it for some time now, at with some success.

    Bear in mind that a small website MAY get a lot less visitors than a large one and STILL have a greater websitegrader score because what this site mainly measures is the POTENTIAL for visibility in search engines. A larger website may indeed get a lot more visitors, but be built in such a way that crawlers will have a hard time indexing it.

    Posted by Cinéfilo, 29/06/2010 3:30am (15 years ago)

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Blog » Find Out Your Website's Grade